For different reasons, Unbabel may fail to launch, or a translation request may not trigger. Please find below some common messages and the ways to work around them.
Even though the instructions should help you solve some of these problems, there will be times you may need to reach out to support. If that's the case, there are some details that will make the troubleshooting process faster and more accurate, which we kindly ask you to include in any communication:
- Ticket IDs: If the error affects all tickets or a specific group of tickets from your workflow, please do mention it in detail. Include any examples even if the issue affects all tickets.
- Agent emails: Please let us know which agents are affected or were taking the actions described in the support request, and whether it is affecting more/all of the operation.
- Troubleshooting steps already taken.
- Timeline of events.
- Any changes to the organization/users conducted recently, if any.
Widget messages
- Unsupported language
If Unbabel detects a message that forms a language pair that is unsupported or unsubscribed, the following message will appear when trying to translate a customer's message:
Make sure both the customer's language and your own are correctly set. If that's the case, the language may not be contracted. If necessary, reach out to Unbabel for confirmation.
- Unauthorized
The user account isn't authorized. Read more on the subject here.
- Unexpected error
An unexpected error may appear when an inconsistency affects our API but is not recognized as any of the other identified errors. Below the error icon, you will usually find a description that may give you some clues as to where the issue may lie (in the picture, an authorization problem). Please try to follow any steps to solve the issue as described in the other chapters of this article, navigate to a different ticket, and click the Retry link at the bottom of the widget (instead of reloading the browser page) once you're back to the ticket you were handling.
If you are still running into the error please be sure to reach out to support with any relevant information (ticket ID, agent email, number of affected agents/tickets, etc).
- Invalid session errors
One particular error reason that can show up in an unexpected error is an Invalid session/Session not found. Invalid sessions can have different causes, but are generally caused by old or wrong information in the browser session, or network/browser settings that prevent the normal exchange of information between the browser and our API from happening. Here are some steps you may check/undertake to try and solve the error:
- click the Retry button in the widget
- log out of Zendesk, clear cache and cookies, and log back in
- check if your browser has the option to Enable third-party cookies enabled or Prevent cross-site tracking enabled (you need to disable the latter)
- try stopping any ad-blockers or extensions
- make sure you do not have another active session in a different browser or device
- keep clicking the Retry button in the widget after you change any of these settings
- Translation error
An error has affected the last requested translation. The issue may have arisen in the request, processing or delivery.
- If it's an inbound message, please bear in mind that some content that contains code, HTML, images or objects of some size or it's just too large in length may fail to be translated. If that's not the case, try to repeat the request by changing the ticket language to a different, supported language, and then back to the original intended one. Make sure the agent language settings are correct.
- If it's an outbound message, check the language settings and repeat the request if you notice there was a problem with them. Otherwise, reach out to support.
- Blacklisted tag
The ticket contains a blacklisted tag preventing any actions from Unbabel. Read more about the feature here.
Private note messages
Some error messages are communicated through the posting of an internal note authored by the Unbabel Admin. Private note errors are posted when an outbound translation is requested and follow the preceding internal note containing #unbabel.
- The translation profile for this request doesn't have human configuration
This error points to an unsubscribed language. It's likely you're trying to translate an outbound message to a language you do not have subscribed. Consider different language variants - you may have Portuguese contracted, but not Portuguese from Brazil. If that is not the case, please reach out to us.
- The message posted contains a "no-translate" syntax error. Please use the correct format, more information on "no-translate" can be found here
The message you are trying to send out contains invalid usage of no-translate. More information here.
- It appears that you speak [customer's language]. Because of that the translation was not requested.
- You wrote #Unbabel instead of #unbabel. Don't worry, the translation was sent anyway. Please use #unbabel in future.
In this self-explanatory error message, #Unbabel is just an example. If another typo is made but we receive the translation request, the message will reflect that.
If you're facing a different error or you haven't been able to solve it on your own, please reach out to