Unbabel will receive the subject and body content of any comment sent for translation, and our MT and post edition will strive to deliver the exact, meaningful translation. If you notice any comment missing (in a sense the rest of the translation makes sense, but part of it merely vanished), please check if any of the situations described below could be the cause.
Use of double curly brackets
{{ text_inside_curly_brackets }} represents a Zendesk placeholder reference. If you write any text that doesn't correspond to any placeholder, Zendesk will ignore the content and create the comment removing the text and the brackets. This will, in turn, result in the content reaching us with the information already amiss. You can confirm if that is the case by the content missing in the original comment (prior to translation).
Note: using no-translate will not prevent this from happening.
To work around this, surround the content with double curly brackets with the "code" formatting.