In order to spare the agent's time in composing common replies, Unbabel Interface supports the addition of templates based on the selected agent language - commonly English. If the language selected in the LP direction is the agent’s, it is possible to choose and insert a template into the message field. Otherwise, in order to prevent a wrong language from being sent to translation, the option is greyed out.
The template selector and structures varies depending on whether you are using Unbabel Interface for chats or tickets.
- Templates are located in a dedicated panel to the right
- All templates are listed in a single column, although grouped and separated by category
- The search bar will return templates from any partial match, both for their category name and their source text
- Templates can be selected in the drop-down list above the message input box
- You need to select a category and subcategory to list the included templates before selection
To apply a template, click directly on its text.
Submit the message as usual once you are ready.
Templates will commonly contain placeholders, which are identifiable by having curly or square brackets around them. Until all placeholders are replaced or deleted, the button to send a message to translation is inactive, so as to prevent the inadvertently submission of unedited text.
Replace all the existing placeholders with the adequate text to be able to submit the translation request.