In case you chose not to authorize agents during installation, or need to authorize agents subsequentely, you can do this through the Integrations settings app on your Customer Portal, provided you have a role of Integrations Manager or higher tier.
Only agents authorized to use Unbabel will trigger inbound translations and initialize tickets and sending translated outbounds is also restricted to them. Unauthorized agents trying to use the Unbabel commands will see error messages posted in the conversation letting them know they require access to be granted.
The Agents section of the Settings page can be found by scrolling down once opening the app.
Adding agents
The list of currently authorized agents is displayed in the Agents section.
You can add agents that are not on the list in two ways:
- by clicking the Add Agent button at the top of the list. This will open a new modal where you can create the entry by inputting the agent's email address. You can add language settings or skip this and save the record by clicking Add.
- by importing agents in bulk. If you have multiple agents you need to add at once, you may wish to undertake the action in bulk. Click the Import Agents button.
Unbabel will fetch the list of agents from your instance and if it recognizes missing agents it will list them. You can check/uncheck which agents you want to add (there is a select/deselect all button at the top of the list) and immediately define their language settings before adding them. Click Import to complete the action.
Authorizing agents
The full list of known and addded agents is provided in the the Agent settings section. You can use the search by email field to find specific agents, typing their email addresses. Matching results will appear, even if the agents were listed in a different page.
Agents have their authorization status (green for authorized, yellow for unknown status, red for unauthorized), email and language settings displayed. Unauthorized agents won't have access to using Unbabel.
You can edit each agent's settings by clicking on the agents' email.
Tick the Authorized box to authorize the agent to use Unbabel and save any changes.
Deleting agents
Should you wish to delete an agent from the list, hover over the agent entry and click the trash bin icon at the end of the row to remove him/her.
Deleting an agent will remove the authorization.
If you are having trouble finding the agent's email, changing the authorization status or if you see that the changes are not producing any effect, please reach out to us with the agent's email at or us the support form.