For any issues you encounter using the integration, reach out to or use our support form.
For any report, we will need to identify the conversation that is seeing issues. The unique identifier in the case is the Conversation ID, which is found in the browser URL when seeing the conversation interface.
Please share the ID (full URL is OK) with us so we can proceed with any investigation.
Elements to provide for a quicker resolution
Depending on the nature of the request, other elements may prove important to provide when reporting an issue.
It it's a technical issue, please attempt to provide the following information:
- Conversation ID examples, even if the issue affects all chats
- If all conversations are impacted, or merely a subset of them. If affected conversations share any properties, let us know which.
- Agent emails: Please let us know which agents are affected or were taking the actions described in the support request, and whether it is affecting more/all of the operation.
- Troubleshooting steps already taken.
- Timeline of events.
- Any changes to the organization/users conducted recently, if any.
If you are reporting a translation quality issue, please:
- Provide a clear identifier to the message. Since they do not have IDs, timestamp and source/target text, or a screenshot should help.
- Add some context into the report, as to where you suspect the error to be, along with any comments or suggested corrections you may wish to make.