Portal users will be assigned different roles, which will limit access to some of the features and information contained in the platform. Roles are usually indicative of the position of the user within the company.
The existing roles, ranked from highest to lowest, are:
- Owner: usually the first created user, typically occupying a managerial role such as VP of Customer Support. They have full access to all sections and apps of the Portal. Owners can create other owners, admins, integrations managers or content submitters, and can edit all users.
- Admin: usually the person(s) in charge of the language operations, and a point of contact for Unbabel. Users who have Admin settings get full permissions with the exception of viewing the Billing section, but cannot edit users or create owners. They can however add other Admins and other users with any role below them.
- Integrations Manager: usually a team leader or supervisor needing to control agent settings and manage integration settings. Integration managers have access solely to the Integrations app in the Portal.
- Content Submitter: the content submitter has access to the Projects app and can create and manage projects. Ideal for team members that collaborate with projects but shouldn't have access to other information in the Portal.
- Content Submitter Restricted: similar to Content Submitter, but restricted to the Projects created specifically by the user. This role restricts both viewing and downloading permissions to the specific projects requested by the user.
- Agent: an agent will have access solely to the Audit app. This allows the agent to check previous translation requests and report any issues with translations.
It is possible for a user to have more than one role, in which case he will accumulate all of the enabled features for those roles.