For different reasons, Unbabel may fail to launch, or a translation request may not trigger. Please find below some common messages and the ways to work around them.
Should any issues persist, reach out to us at or use the support form.
Even though the instructions should help you solve some of these problems, there will be times you may need to reach out to support. If that's the case, there are some details that will make the troubleshooting process faster and more accurate, which we kindly ask you to include in any communication:
- Conversation IDs: If the error affects all conversations or a specific group, please do mention it in detail. Include any examples even if the issue affects all tickets. See how to obtain them here.
- Agent emails: Please let us know which agents are affected or were taking the actions described in the support request, and whether it is affecting more/all of the operation.
- Troubleshooting steps already taken.
- Timeline of events.
- Any changes to the organization/users conducted recently, if any.
Error messages
Error messages are posted as internal notes. If you see an error message in a conversation, that doesn't mean the issue is affecting it directly. The error may have been caused by agent settings at the time a translation was requested, and Unbabel may behave differently for another agent. See more below.
Invalid subscription
This error message will appear when the translation request configures a language pair that is not part of your subscription, or unsupported by Unbabel. Try changing either the current conversation language, the agent language settings, or both, to the correct ones.
Check your subscription details to confirm if you have the languages contacted, and if the issue is still present, reach out to us.
Unauthorized agent
This message will populate the conversation when an unauthorized agent sends an outbound translation request. The agent needs to be authorized by a Portal user and try again.
Spoken languages
If a conversation is set to a language the agent speaks, attempted translation requests will return these messages:
- when the agent tries to request an outbound translation
- when the agent tries to request an inbound translation
To allow for translation, take into consideration both the current conversation language and the agent language settings.
Wrong language code
If a wrong language code is used when trying to change the conversation language this message appears. Check the language code table to try again.