File engineering can be part of the localization process and involves the preparation, extraction, and integration of translatable content within the software. This is crucial for ensuring that the localized content is correctly incorporated into the product without disrupting its functionality.
The File Engineering service consists of manipulating the file, be it at a stage prior to translation, or a subsequent one. Translating some files may require a process that selectively marks content for translation while excluding other, or a delivery to be performed in a non-standard way, which our pipeline would not be able to process without intervention.
Why should I request File Engineering?
The necessity for file processing arises when encountering file formats not directly supported by our platform, as well as with supported files that require partial translation or content alteration before and after translation, but prior to delivery.
File Engineering may prove necessary as a punctual or recurring need. Unbabel's standard file processing extracts content from files submitted for translation more or less indiscriminately - see Supported File Formats and Filter configurations for more information - and produces a fully translated output files that consist of the source content replaced by the translated one.
However, you may have a specific use case that requires the output to be handled in a different way. See below.
What can be done with File Engineering?
File Engineering can produce and update of file filters that can be used punctually or recurrently. We can also manually handle specific a file/set of files before translation and/or after translation, but before delivery to the client. Examples of what File Engineering can achieve include:
- Translating formats not directly supported by the platform.
- Translate a document into a format different from the source.
- Production of Master files: the translation for all requested languages are contained in the same file. The source text is preserved and kept in the output.
- Specifically mark content for translation: you can selectively exclude content from translation based on structural elements of the file.
- Impose character limitations on the translation.
- Embed translator notes for specific parts of the text.
Supported file formats
File Engineering is available for non-binary files only, plus spreadsheets.
What do I need to provide?
Besides the the file that will be worked on, the biggest requirement is that you provide a clear and detailed set of instructions. These instructions are provided in step 4 of project creation, when selecting the service. You can add these instructions as one or multiple auxiliary files (or even include an example of desired output). Instructions should be clear about which actions are required and to which part of the document they apply; please make sure you detail all actions that are required and which portions of the document they should cover.
Example: "do not translate any text formatted as titles", "only translate text in columns highlighted in yellow", "please provide the translation below the original text", etc.
How to request File Engineering
You can toggle the File Engineering Service in step 4 of the project creation flow, by looking under the additional services section.
You can add instructions once the service is selected. The option to update files also becomes available. You can provide auxiliary files for the File Engineering team here, such as instructions, guidelines, sample files, or other support materials that may prove relevant.
If all files in the project are eligible for File Engineering, you can also tick the respective checkbox to toggle the service on for all files, and propagate the instructions written in the text field.
The primary deliverables of File Engineering are translated files that respect or generate the structure and restrictions requested during the process. Depending on whether this is a recurring need, it also produces customized file filters tailored to specific file formats and requirements.
We can also deliver pre-filtered and/or post filtered files in the case of manual file filtering.
File Engineering as a broader option
File Engineering when selected for a project will usually apply to that request alone. However, Unbabel can cater to file processing needs from a broader perspective, that doesn't depend on the submission of one translation project alone.
As mentioned before, it is possible to expand a configuration created for a specific request to a custom configuration available in the Customer Portal for subsequent projects - provided that the source file provided respects the same structure.
Under different circumstances, you may wish to determine what are the best options for translating a recurring file and create and adapt configurations for that purpose before starting the translation process. This may require some consultancy and adjusting both from Unbabel and the customer in order to achieve an optimal result. As such, File Engineering can include:
- Ongoing support for any issues or adjustments required with the filters post-implementation
- Consultancy sessions to understand client needs and provide recommendations for filter setup and usage
- Training sessions to educate clients on how to effectively utilize the filters for their translation needs
- Documentation outlining the configuration and usage of the implemented filters