For different reasons, Unbabel may fail to launch, or a translation request may not trigger. Please find below some common messages and the ways to work around them.
Even though the instructions should help you solve some of these problems, there will be times you may need to reach out to support. If that's the case, there are some details that will make the troubleshooting process faster and more accurate, which we kindly ask you to include in any communication:
- Issue IDs: If the error affects all issues or a specific group of issues from your workflow, please do mention it in detail.
- Agent emails/IDs: Please let us know which agents are affected or were taking the actions described in the support request, and whether it is affecting more/all of the operation.
- Troubleshooting steps already taken.
- Timeline of events.
- Any changes to the organization/users conducted recently if any.
Error messages are communicated through the posting of an internal note. Private note errors are posted when an outbound translation is requested and follow the preceding internal note containing #unbabel.
Error messages
- The translation profile for this request doesn't have human configuration
This error points to an unsubscribed language. It's likely you're trying to translate an outbound message to a language you have not subscribed to. Consider different language variants - you may have Portuguese contracted, but not Portuguese from Brazil. If that is not the case, please reach out to your Account Manager.
- There's no need for a translation in this ticket
The end user's language is set to the same language as the organization's. This would mean the agent can communicate directly without using Unbabel. Change the issue language if necessary.
- You wrote #Unbabel instead of #unbabel. Don't worry, the translation was sent anyway. Please use #unbabel in the future.
In this self-explanatory error message, #Unbabel is just an example. If another typo is made but we receive the translation request, the message will reflect that.
- Can't change the customer language from XX to YY.
The language code you're using is not valid, or you're trying to change into the same language. More information here.
- The language was changed to XX, but it's not supported or part of the Unbabel subscription.
You are changing into a language that is not supported or that is not subscribed by the organization. More information here.