Considering the several possibilities for customized environments and workflows within Salesforce, it could prove difficult for us to fully replicate a reported issue on our side. In order to see the error in first person, or to check any Organization settings directly, we may ask you to provide access through and account login.
To do this, head to Setup → My Personal Information → Grant Login Access → Give access to the external provider Unbabel Support. You may select for how long the access will remain valid.
Note: If the external app provider is not listed under Grant Login Access, go to Setup → Admin Setup → Security Controls → Login Access Policies and enable your app vendor or ask your system administrator.
Unbabel will be able to access the Organization impersonating your account.
Access to the Organization is shared with only the indispensable Unbabel personnel, and we will be careful and parsimonious. If you are reluctant to share access to a Production instance, please consider giving it to a Sandbox where the issue is fully replicated.
After granting access, consider sharing the information with Unbabel and mentioning the Org ID of your organization.
Creating a user for Unbabel
Creating a user within the organization that will be used by Unbabel is an alternative. In fact, under some scenarios, we may even require a user with a given profile to be created in order to replicate an error.
Creating a user has disadvantages - the user may lack a role that allows us to consult all necessary information and take needed actions.