In order to troubleshoot technical issues or to identify translations for quality purposes, we may ask you to send us a unique identifier for any given conversation or message. This can be used to report on different metrics like translation statuses, translation types, delivery times, language pairs and errors handling.
Under certain circumstances, we may ask for a full report on Translation Requests, in order to obtain a detailed file containing information on all Unbabel requests generated on your organization, their properties and check for possible errors or patterns. The report can also be used to monitor different metrics like translation statuses, translation types, delivery times, language pairs and errors handling.
You can find the guide on how to report on TRs attached and the steps described in this article. Please send this information to
Reporting on translation requests
1 - Head to the App launcher
2 - Select the Reports tab:
3 - Click the New Report button:
4 - Select the Translation Request report type under the category Other Reports and click Start Report.
You should now have landed into a page similar to the one below.
Note: make sure you select All translation requests in the Filters tab.
5 - Open the Outline tab and click the Add group field:
6 - Add the relevant groups (double click or drag the field):
- Translation Request: ID
- From Language
- To Language
- sObject Parent
- sObject Parent Id
- sObject
- sObject Id
- Translation Type
- Status
- Error Log
- Translation Requested Datetime
- Translation Received Datetime
- Translation Request: Created By
- Unbabel ChatKey(*)
- Unbabel Original Chat Message(*)
- Unbabel Translated Chat Message(*)
- Unbabel Subject (**)
- Unbabel Html Body (**)
- Unbabel Text Body (**)
- Email Bcc Address (**)
- Email Cc Address (**)
- Email From Address (**)
- Email From Name (**)
- Email Is Incoming (**)
- Email To Address (**)
* These fields will only be available if you are using the Unbabel for Live Agent Chat integration
** These fields will only be available if you are using the Unbabel for Service Cloud integration
If you click refresh, you can see all the fields related to the Translation Request. Now you can report on the fields you want depending on the metrics you need to extract.
7 - Once the fields are all added, click the Run button in blue on the top right corner. A report will be generated by Salesforce. Click Save:
8 - Now you can check the data directly on Salesforce or select the Export option to download it as an .xls file:
9 - Click Export:
An excel file containing all the information for the reported fields and records.
Filtering information
A Translation Request (TR) is created for each email/case translation. You can always filter the report after extracting it using an external tool. However you can also apply filters directly on Salesforce. In order to report on specific TRs you just need to:
1 - Click Edit:
2 - Go to Filters:
3 - Add the field you want to filter (for example Status), and include the values you want:
Filtering by Status
You can filter by Status equals Message Translated for example and you will be able to check all the requests that are still pending the translation.
Filtering by Date
Example: Filter by CreatedDate, set the Range to Custom and you will be able to set a start date and an end date.
Filtering by ID
If you want to find a specific request for an Case/Email message you need to have the Id (ex: 02s5xXXXXXXXXXXXXX) of that entity and filter by sObject Id or their sObjectParantID - in the case of email messages, that would be the case ID .
Case description translations don't have a SObjectParentID and their SObjectID matches the Case ID.
Filtering by Chatkey
* Only for the Unbabel for Live Agent Chat integration
In order to get all the messages for a specific Chat Transcript you need to filter by Unbabel ChatKey. The value on this field corresponds to Chatkey from the ChatTranscript record.
Please make sure when reporting a bad source of target, you include the fields sObject ID, Unbabel Chatkey, Original Chat Message and Translated Chat Message.