After clicking the click here link, an error message is prompted on Salesforce
If the above behavior is what you are experiencing, then the screen above is what you should be seeing.
This means that the entered credentials on the form were incorrect and therefore the authentication with Unbabel failed. The solution to this is to redo the configuration and make sure that the entered credentials are valid.
In order to redo the configuration follow the steps.
1 - Click the REDO CONFIGURATION button:
2 - A popup will follow. Click YES:
3 - The page should now reload and the form is displayed for you to fill again. After this please follow the installation guide from the correspondent step:
(*) If after the page reloads this form is not presented to you, please click the Unbabel - Configuration Menu tab and repeat the workaround process.
Access User Page Layouts from the Setup menu
If the User Page Layout doesn't load automatically after completing the configuration, follow the steps in this article to find the correct menu page.
Error on request when verifying the connection with Unbabel
In case the verification is unsuccessful, 2 things might have happened:
- The connection failed for some reason. Click the TEST button again. If the error persists go to step 2.
- Something went wrong regarding the configuration. click the REDO CONFIGURATION and follow the Configuration Steps again.
If the error still persists, there could be an error with the credentials shared with you. Please reach out to
In any case, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.