You are being directed to this article from Ordering translations - step by step. This article describes the different services that are available depending on the file type you are uploading when placing an order.
2.1. Microsoft Word and PowerPoint files - .docx, .doc, .pptx and .ppt
There are three services available for Microsoft Word or PowerPoint files.
- If you want selected content only to be translated, please request File Filtering and add details in the box provided.
- If you want the text from within your images translated, please request Image Handling and add details in the box provided.
- If you want to preserve the source formatting of your content, please request Desktop Publishing and add details in the box provided.
2. Complete the instructions field(s).
3. If these filtering instructions apply to other similar files you have uploaded, use the checkboxes to identify these.
4. Select Save.
5. Select Close.
Your instructions will be saved and you can review or change them by selecting the basket icon prior to selecting Add to Order.
2.2 Adobe InDesign and FrameMaker files - .idml, .indd, .mif and .fm
When requesting translation for Adobe InDesign or Adobe FrameMaker files you should upload only the .idml or the .mif file. For documents created with older versions of the Adobe suite, you should upload only binary .indd or .fm files.
Adobe InDesign
To order translation and typesetting for your Adobe InDesign documents you will need:
- The Adobe InDesign Markup Language .idml file (or .indd file if you do not have an .idml file).
- The full InDesign pack .zip file including all images and any custom fonts used.
If you upload an .indd file for translation we will convert this to .idml and your target file(s) will be provided as .idml files.
If you would like to select Desktop Publishing as an additional service (using the basket icon), we will ask you to provide your full Adobe InDesign pack or a link to your pack location (e.g. an FTP or file sharing service URL for larger packs).
Adobe FrameMaker
To order translation and typesetting for your Adobe FrameMaker documents you will need:
- The Adobe InDesign Markup Language .mif file (or .fm file if you do not have a .mif file).
- The full FrameMaker pack .zip file including all images and any custom fonts used.
If you upload an .fm file for translation we will convert this to .mif and your target file(s) will be provided as .mif files.
If you would like to select Desktop Publishing as an additional service (using the basket icon), we will then ask you to provide your full Adobe FrameMaker pack or a link to your pack location (e.g. an FTP or file sharing service URL for larger packs).
There are two services available for Adobe InDesign and FrameMaker files:
- If you would like Desktop Publishing for your target documents, please add details of your style/formatting requirements or constraints.
- If you want text from your images translated, please request Image Handling and add details in the box provided.
1. Select the options for the service(s) that you would like to add.
2. Complete the instructions field(s).
3. Either upload your pack, or add a link to your pack location (e.g. an FTP or file sharing service URL for larger packs). Do not share any usernames and passwords in your instructions, these should be provided to us separately.
4. If these filtering instructions apply to other similar files you have uploaded, use the checkboxes to identify these.
5. Select Save.
6. Select Close.
Your instructions will be saved and you can review them or change them by selecting the basket icon prior to selecting Add to Order.
2.3 Portable Document Format files - .pdf
Where possible Portable Document Format (.pdf) files should not be provided as source files for translation. Please instead find the editable source of the PDF you wish to translate.
It’s important to note that Desktop Publishing, one of our additional services, is always required in the pre-translation stage if you send us a PDF.
If you can only send us a PDF, how we handle your translation depends on the type of file you want back. If you only care about translating the text from within your PDF, for example, we will return a Word file back to you after your translation is complete. If, however, your PDF is more sophisticated (e.g. design elements) we can recreate your PDF to retain its look.
One of our Project Managers may get in touch with you via email to discuss your requirements. The Desktop Publishing team is also available to discuss your requirements and clarify our processes and technologies.
1. When you upload .pdf files for translation, they are automatically marked for Desktop Publishing.
2. Complete the instructions field for the content from the file that you would like translated.
3. If these filtering instructions apply to other similar files you have uploaded, use the checkboxes to identify these.
4. Select Save.
5. Select Close.
Your instructions will be saved and you can review them or change them by selecting the basket icon prior to selecting Add to Order.
2.4 Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, QuarkXpress, Microsoft Publisher and Visio - .ai, .psd, .qxd, ipub and .vsd
1. When you upload .ai, .psd, .qxd, ipub and .vsd files for translation, they are automatically marked for Desktop Publishing.
2. Complete the instructions field for the content from the file that you would like translated.
3. If these filtering instructions apply to other similar files you have uploaded, use the checkboxes to identify these.
4. Select Save.
5. Select Close.
Your instructions will be saved and you can review them or change them by selecting the basket icon prior to selecting Add to Order.
2.5 Data/information formats (inc. Microsoft Excel) - .xlsx, .xls, .json, .htm, .html, .xml, .dita, .txt, .xliff, .xlf, .srt, .dtd, .ods, .odp, .odt, .odg, .po, .yaml, .csv, and .properties
If your data/information format files contain content that you do not want translated, we can provide you with a filtered translation word count before you place any orders with us.
Simply let us know that you want selected content only to be translated and add instructions about which style(s) you would like filtered out (e.g. elements, attributes, json keys .etc).
Clear, concise instructions will help our team to filter your files and provide your quote quickly and accurately.
1. When you upload data/information format files for translation, they are automatically marked for Desktop Publishing.
2. Complete the instructions field for the content from the file that you would like translated.
3. If these filtering instructions apply to other similar files you have uploaded, use the checkboxes to identify these.
4. Select Save.
5. Select Close.
Your instructions will be saved and you can review them or change them by selecting the basket icon prior to selecting Add to Order.