Unbabel relies on an authorization token to read information concerning a ticket content. This data, which is reduced to the minimum indispensable, is used to allow the exchange of information between our instance and our APIs.
While this allows us to have an up to date representation of your ticket under normal circumstances, some information may not be visible to us due to a bug or an API limitation, and that information may prove necessary for us to find the root cause for an incident.
It is possible, by using the browser console, to retrieve and share this information. Rest assure we will only request this data in case no other option is available. The information shared by this process is already within the ambit of the information shared with our systems through the regular workflow.
How to extract the data (using Google Chrome)
1 - Open the ticket in Zendesk
2 - Right-click the “Unbabel for Zendesk Support App”. Make sure to click within the widget's borders.
3 - Click “Inspect”
This will open the browser console.
4 - Select the tab "Console"
5 - Make sure that the selected Javascript context starts with “app_Unbabel-for-Zendesk-Support_ticket_sidebar”. This is the blue bar seen in the image below.
Note: If this is not selected by default, click the bar and select it from the dropdown list:
6 - Write the following two lines on the console. Note they are two different lines containing a line break.
sdk = await ZAFClient.init()
await sdk.get("ticket")
7 - Press the “enter” button.
8 - A new line will appears, reading "{errors: {…}, ticket: {…}}". Right click on it and click “Copy object”, which copies the output result to the clipboard.
9 - Paste the content into any text editor and send us the file.
If you wish to see the instructions in video format, please click here.