Projects translation requests generate translation orders that you can find and manage in the Projects app page. Start by logging in to the Customer Portal. Next, click on Projects in the left panel to launch the app.
All existing projects will be listed. You can quickly find projects by their name, see the requester, date of request, status, number of orders and languages, progress and project ID.
You can opt to change to the list view by clicking the respective icon in the view toggle. The list view includes more precise information on submission and delivery times.
The following search fields are available to allow you to find any existing projects:
- Requested by: multi-select field that filters for projects by the same requester
- Status: multi-select field filtering for project status
- Order name: returns any partial matches for the project name
Monitoring a project
The Projects page allows you to quickly track a project's status and progress.
You can quickly check if a Project is:
- a draft, meaning that any user with access can access, change, delete and/or submit the project
- estimating or finished estimation
- in progress, meaning it's pending completion. You can track progress by checking the Progress bar at the bottom of the Project card, pointing to the relative progress based on the total number of translations
- done. Completed projects can be downloaded as a whole by clicking the respective button.
- failed
To further check on the progress of an ongoing project you can click the project card to find the details page, where you can check all contained orders and the individual progress concerning the languages they're being translated to.
Clicking on the details tab will provide a summary of the project settings such as name, selected pipeline group, creation and submission dates along with which languages are undergoing translation, among other information. If an estimation is available, you can also check back on the originally provided estimated costs and duration of the project here. If your project is completed you can also check for its final cost and compare it to the initial estimation.
You can further check each order by clicking on their file name.
This will display all included translation jobs will display according to their status.
You can check which file filter settings or services were requested by clicking the Settings & Services tab.
Finally, under the Files tab, you can see and download all files included in the project, from source files, to translated files, all the way to auxiliaries.
Completed jobs will become available for download individually as soon as completed.
Managing projects
Once a Project is submitted or completed, there are no possible edit actions to be taken. Only downloading is possible. However, if your project is a draft or has a completed estimation and is pending submission, it is possible to
- edit any of the project creation steps
- delete the project
Downloading translations
You can download all translations contained in the project by clicking the download button in the Projects view directly. This will create a zip file with all orders and files included in the project.
If you want to access specific translations within the project, click a Project item instead. You have multiple options for obtaining your translation:
1 - Download all translations in the project (1): Download the translations for all orders and all languages included in the project.
2 - Download a specific order (2): Download all languages for one of the orders.
3 - Open an order. Download the full order (all languages in the order)
4 - Download translation. Download the specific language in the selected order.
5 - Access the Files tab for an order and download the files you want.
When downloaded in group, translations are delivered in a zip file. If downloaded individually, you will obtain the file in its format.