Release date: 6 March 2024
*This version requires version 2.95 or later of the Unbabel Connector to be installed. You can check for even newer releases here.
Release notes
Bug Fixing
- Language Check is now performed on Case Subject + Description + Inbound Emails. If the case does not have any inbounds, it will use Case Subject + Description + Last Emails
- Fixed a bug on Translation Feed Auto-Refresh - it will now refresh properly upon translation received
- Improved Error Handling on Translation Feed - we expanded the error types that can be shown by errors toast messages.
Latest Packages
Unbabel Connector v2.95
Installation URL
[Your Domain]/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1n000002WsuN
Unbabel for Service Cloud v3.36
Installation URL
[your Salesforce Org URL]/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1v0000021ptsAAA