In order to ensure the best quality, quickest delivery timed translations, you should implement some best practices among your agents using unbabel.
Avoid mixing languages or responding in the customer’s language. Make sure you are only using one language in your email and don’t respond in the customer’s language. When using other language than English in the response email our language detection system may not recognize the correct language and this may result in a wrong translation. Sticking to English is the best option.
Make sure you don’t have any typos on your messages. This may impact delivery speed and final quality on our translations.
Copy only the body of the email you need. When copying entire emails from other platforms to Unbabel please ensure that headers/encoding content is not present as those are not needed for translation. When including these elements, the translation process is likely to take more time or even result in mistranslations. Please copy only the body of the email that requires translation.
Mind the punctuation: sometimes unexpected punctuation marks prove to be a bit tricky for translation systems. Try and write the needed punctuation and whitespace in the appropriate spots.
Single words: try to avoid as much as possible sending isolated words. Single words can have different translations in different contexts.
Make sure that, if you need to resort to no-translate, you follow the best practices for the feature.