Unbabel integrates seamlessly with Zendesk Chat, by displaying the widget in the right-hand side of the chat panel. Most of the actions serving and handling the chat will be business as usual for an agent accustomed to working with ZD Chat, but you can still read this reference article by Zendesk itself.
Whenever an agent services a chat, the Unbabel widget will load, running a language identification process and establishing the customer's language.
If the language we identified is one spoken by the agent, the applet's message box will be greyed out. Otherwise, the customer's messages will begin to be posted and translated into the agent's writing language as they pop into the conversation, and the message box within the widget will read "Message Visitor".
Listed in the widget, the agent will have the list of exchanged messages, both in their original and translated versions, each individual message placed inside a speech bubble. Messages in the customer's language will be visible in grey font, while the ones in the agent's language will be in black. It is possible to browse the list of messages by hovering over their dedicated area of the widget and scrolling through them.
Messages are listed by oldest at the top.
Chat and agent's language settings can be changed at any time during the conversation.
While the conversation takes place, the regular Zendesk Chat window will display all messages as seen by the customer, along with their timestamps, much like any other chat.
Chat end
The chat will end whenever the customer finishes it on his side (the message Visitor has gone offline will display and the message box will be greyed out), or when the agent closes it or chooses any other option that will remove the chat from his control.
Once the chat is finished, the Unbabel app stops working and cannot resume for that specific chat when seen by that agent.