Some content sent for translation may require support materials to be available to the editors working on the jobs in order to ensure quality, serve as a reference for questions, or providing additional information or resources that won't otherwise fit in the summary instructions notes for a request. You may want to share that information and resources with our community.
To enable this, when onboarding, you will be given a link to a folder. This folder will be shared between you and our community. Please use this folder to upload any reference files that you wish our editors refer to during the translation process. To do this:
1 - Go to the link shared with you at onboarding
2 - Create a folder with the Project UID or name
3 - Upload any files you wish our editors refer to during the translation process
4 - Copy the URL link to that folder
5 - Paste the link in File instructions window.
If you have a recurrent reference file, please let us know and your LangOps Specialist will add the link to your standard pipeline group instructions.